About Us

Hillsdale College understands, as our nation’s founders did, that learning is essential to freedom.
The mission of Hillsdale College, as set forth in our Articles of Association, is to offer “sound learning” of the kind needed to preserve “the inestimable blessings . . . of civil and religious liberty.” A liberal arts education of the kind offered at Hillsdale was understood by America’s founders to be essential to free government.
By supporting the official online store for Hillsdale College and Hillsdale College Press, you can help extend that mission to the nation and world. We're working to provide every customer exceptional products and outstanding service. Our product lines will expand over time to include: official athletic apparel, casual clothing items, additional online course materials, faculty books, and an array of unique gifts and accessories. Consider joining the subscription list below to learn about new product launches and receive special discounts.
All purchases made on the store directly support the students, operations, and programming of the College. We hope your shopping experience is enjoyable and that it enriches your connection with the school. We are proud to serve you!