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Inferno, Dante Alighieri (Durling)


ISBN/UPC: 9780195087444



Prose Translation by: Robert Durling

Robert Durling's translations of Inferno and Purgatorio are widely admired; in a sea of English-language translations of Dante, the ones provided by Durling stand among the best.

Notes not only illuminate Paradiso, but stress the links among all three volumes of the Commedia, something seldom-done in other editions.

Original Italian appears on the left-hand page opposite the English language translations, allowing for easy comparisons and reference.

Includes a lucid, stage-setting introduction that provides the historical, political, biblical, and theological contexts that enrich the reader's understanding of the poem.

This book is paperback.


"This new edition of Inferno is distinctly user-friendly....Serious students-in or out of the classroom-who...examine the original poem alongside a readable and reliable prose translation will find this edition excellently suited to their needs."—The Christian Science Monitor

"A useful volume for students and first-time visitors to Dante's cosmos."—Publishers Weekly

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Inferno, Dante Alighieri (Durling)

Inferno, Dante Alighieri (Durling)
