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Churchill's Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government, Larry P. Arnn


ISBN/UPC: 9780718096212

VENDOR: Thomas Nelson



No statesman shaped the twentieth century more than Winston Churchill. To know Churchill is to understand the combinations of boldness and caution, assertiveness and humility, that define statesmanship at its best. With fresh perspective and insights based on decades of studying and teaching Churchill, Larry P. Arnn explores the greatest challenges faced by Churchill, both in war and in peacetime, in the context of Churchill’s abiding devotion to constitutionalism.

This book is paperback and is recommended reading for Hillsdale's free online course, "Winston Churchill and Statesmanship."


"In a scholarly, timely, and highly erudite way, Larry Arnn puts the case for Winston Churchill continuing to be seen as statesman from whom the modern world can learn important lessons. In an age when social and political morality seems all too often to be in a state of flux, Churchill's Trial reminds us of the enduring power of the concepts of courage, duty, and honor."Andrew Roberts, New York Times bestselling author of Napoleon: A Life and The Storm of War

"Larry Arnn has spent a lifetime studying the life and accomplishments of Winston Churchill. In his lively  Churchill's Trial Arnn artfully reminds us that Churchill was not just the greatest statesman and war leader of the twentieth century, but also a pragmatic and circumspect thinker whose wisdom resonates on every issue of our times."—Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University

"In absorbing, gracefully written historical and biographical narration, Larry Arnn shows that Churchill, often perceived as inconsistent and opportunistic, was in fact philosophically rigorous and consistent at levels of organization higher and deeper than his detractors are capable of imagining. In  Churchill's Trial Arnn has rendered great service not only to an incomparable statesman but to us, for the magnificent currents that carried Churchill through his trials are as admirable, useful, and powerful in our times as they were in his.Mark Helprin, New York Times bestselling author of Winter's Tale and In Sunlight and in Shadow

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Churchill's Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government, Larry P. Arnn

Churchill's Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government, Larry P. Arnn
