Online Courses Store | Hillsdale College
Online Courses Store | Hillsdale College

The official store for Hillsdale College Online Courses.

Hillsdale College was founded in 1844 to provide—to all who wish to learn—the education necessary to perpetuate the blessings of civil and religious liberty. In 2011, the College began producing free online courses in order to extend that mission.

These free, not-for-credit courses are taught by Hillsdale College faculty and are patterned after the education offered on the Hillsdale College campus. They aim to provide students with an education that pursues knowledge of the highest things, provides insight into the nature of God and man, forms character, and defends constitutional government.

Millions of people have taken Hillsdale College online courses and now each student can secure their course materials right from campus. All profits directly support the students, operations, and programming of Hillsdale College including the development of new and engaging online courses. Happy learning!

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Oxford University Press
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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (15 items)


VENDOR: Oxford University Press

"You don't know about me, without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but that ain't no matter." So begins, in characteristic fashion, one of the greatest American novels. Narrated by a poor,...

Confessions, Saint Augustine
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (30 items)


VENDOR: Oxford University Press

In his own day the dominant personality of the Western Church, Augustine of Hippo today stands as perhaps the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity, and his Confessions is one of the great works of Western literature. In this intensely personal...

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (46 items)


VENDOR: Oxford University Press

In this enduring and internationally popular novel, Mark combines social satire and dime-novel sensation with a rhapsody on boyhood and on America's pre-industrial past. Tom Sawyer is resilient, enterprising, and vainglorious. In a series of adventures along the banks of...

The Histories, Polybius
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (29 items)


VENDOR: Oxford University Press

Here is the first new translation for over thirty years of Polybius' Histories, the major source for our knowledge of the Eternal City's early rise to power, covering the years of the Second Punic War, the defeat of Hannibal, and...


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