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Vindicating the Founders, Thomas G. West


ISBN/UPC: 9780847685172



Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America is written by Hillsdale College faculty member, Thomas G. West. This controversial, convincing, and highly original book is important reading for everyone concerned about the origins, present, and future of the American experiment in self-government.

Thomas G. West holds the Paul Ermine Potter and Dawn Tibbetts Potter Endowed Professorship in Politics at Hillsdale College, Michigan. His research areas include American political thought, natural law and natural right, Aquinas, Hobbes, Locke, and Leo Strauss.

This book is paperback and is recommended reading for Hillsdale's free online course, "The Real American Founding: A Conversation"


"It's hardly news that in our time some Americans have taken to accusing the Founders of their country of hypocrisy. There is something decidedly cheap about such charges. They reek of ingratitude and imprudence. But they are being made by historians who want to substitute their own authority for the Founders' and it is necessary for someone to take them seriously enough to provide a refutation. Thomas West has risen to the occasion with Vindicating the Founders."—The Wall Street Journal

"Provocative book. . . .Vindicating the Founders is not only about justice, but about how to cultivate the whole cluster of virtues which 'are necessary for a people to be free.' West's admirable study begins a discussion that is long overdue.—The Review of Politics

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Vindicating the Founders, Thomas G. West

Vindicating the Founders, Thomas G. West
