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A New Eusebius, J. Stevenson


ISBN/UPC: 9780801039713



"For half a century, A New Eusebius has been the means by which many of us first heard the voices of the early Christians in their own recording. This anthology still provides the most noteworthy witnesses to the Church's formation in its sufferings, doctrinal disputes, and professions of faith."D. H. Williams, Baylor University

This sourcebook of primary texts illustrates the history of Christianity from the first century to the death of Constantine. It covers all major persons and topics in early Christian life and thought and includes Gnostic texts and anti-Christian polemic. Now available to a wider North American audience, it remains a standard after fifty years in print.

This book is paperback and is recommended reading for Hillsdale's free online course, "Ancient Christianity." — Enroll for the course here.


"This collection of documents from the world of early Christianity is not only handy but also enlightening. Here one has immediate access to ancient words on Gnosticism and Arianism, baptism and persecution, and canon and controversy. Here, in the antique, one may find something rare, something lovely, something new."D. Jeffrey Bingham, Associate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies, Wheaton College 

"Professors of early Christianity will enthusiastically welcome the reprinting of these two extremely well-selected and unsurpassed collections of documents [A New Eusebius and Creeds, Councils and Controversies]. These two textbooks have long set the standard for collections of original documents illustrating the practices and thought of early Christians. It is extremely useful for those who teach this period to have these texts back in print."Kevin Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History, The Divinity School, Harvard University

"J. Stevenson's classic two-volume compilation, A New Eusebius and Creeds, Councils and Controversies, assembles snippets from a wide range of hard-to-find materials: acts of Christian martyrs, conciliar documents, fragments from heretics and persecutors, inscriptions on coins and catacombs, snatches of gossip in scattered letters. The final result is a brilliant mosaic of early Christianity."William Harmless, author of Augustine in His Own Words


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A New Eusebius, J. Stevenson

A New Eusebius, J. Stevenson
