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War and Remembrance: The Story of the American Battle Monuments Commission by Tom H. Conner


ISBN/UPC: 978-0-8131-7631



The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) was established to remember and honor American soldiers who fought and died in foreign wars during the past hundred years. Since the agency was founded in 1923, its sole purpose has been to commemorate the soldiers' service and the causes for which their lives were given. The twenty-six overseas cemeteries honoring 139,000 combat dead and the memorials honoring the 60,314 fallen soldiers with no known graves are among the most beautiful and meticulously maintained shrines in the world.

In the first comprehensive study of the ABMC, Thomas H. Conner traces how the agency came to be created by Congress in the aftermath of World War I, how the cemetaries and monuments the agency built were designed and their locations chosen, and how the commemorative sites have become important "outposts of remembrance" on foreign soil. War and Remembrance powerfully demonstrates that these monuments--living sites that embody the role of Americans played in the defense of freedom far from their own shores--assist in understanding the interconnections of memory ad history and serve as an inspiration to later generations.

Thomas H. Conner is a retired professor of History and 4-time "Professor of the Year" winner from Hillsdale College.

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War and Remembrance: The Story of the American Battle Monuments Commission by Tom H. Conner

War and Remembrance: The Story of the American Battle Monuments Commission by Tom H. Conner
