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Dante's Divine Comedy Collection


ISBN/UPC: 04335771

VENDOR: Modern Library


You Save: £6.00 (16%)


Written in the fourteenth century by Italian poet and philosopher Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy is arguably the greatest epic poem of all time—presenting Dante’s brilliant vision of the three realms of Christian afterlife: Inferno, Purgatory, and ParadiseAdd these classic works to your library at a discounted price and enjoy them for years to come.

These books are paperback.


“Esolen’s brilliant translation captures the power and the spirit of a poem that does not easily give up its secrets.”Robert Royal, president, Faith and Reason Institute

“Crisp and clear, Esolen’s version avoids two modern temptations: a slavish literalness to the Italian or a taking of liberties in the attempt to make this greatest of medieval poems esthetically modern. . . . In addition to his scholarly tact, Esolen is simply one of the most vigorous English translators of Dante ever.”—Crisis magazine

“Anthony Esolen’s new translation follows Dante through all his spectacular range, commanding where he is commanding, wrestling, as he does, with the density and darkness in language and in the soul. It is living writing.”James Richardson, Princeton University

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Dante's Divine Comedy Collection

Dante's Divine Comedy Collection
